Statement on "hot mic"

There seems to be a story unfolding on social media among some, and I would like to address it before this ‘story’ becomes something that it is not.

In our meeting on 2/16/22, when we were listening to public comments about the mask mandate, an emotional plea was made by a woman who was virtual. She pleaded with us to keep the mandate and spoke about her two immune-compromised children.  The crowd jeered and yelled sarcastic comments, and our Chair promptly reprimanded them. At around this moment, my mic was “hot” and I said, under my breath, “unreal” and “this makes me sick” or something to that affect.

I own that moment as mine.
It is becoming commonplace to see this disregard for others, but I for one cannot get used to it, and I hope I never do. At what point do we stop the divisiveness and listen to each other? The moment was heart-wrenching to hear, and I was sick to my stomach at what some in the audience were saying in response to the woman who had just spoken.
I very much respect everyone’s right to be heard, no matter the subject, if we agree or not, or if they are an R or a D.  I respect all speakers during our public forum and hope they respect other opinions as well. But to be clear, I have no patience for hate.
I also want to acknowledge that many attendees emailed apologizing for the outbursts from the audience and I appreciate that. I emailed responses to them telling them exactly that.
I pray for peace, compassion for others, and reconciliation in Mecklenburg County and in our country.




My Statement on Roe


Updates from Commissioner Laura Meier